Online through Digibuy

for US$ 24.50

  The Digibuy order system will process your payment. 
Your credit card information is processed via a secure web server (fax or telephone can also be used). US checks are also accepted. 

Once your payment has been processed, you will receive your registration code within 10 minutes via e-mail.

Register (Buy) Your Copy of FileTracer Online
You must register in order to use FileTracer after the 30 day trial period. Once your payment has been confirmed, you will receive a registration code by e-mail. The registration code must be entered in FileTracer to upgrade it from a trial to a registered copy. Registration costs only $24.50. 

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Other benefits of registration include: free minor upgrades, special offers on major upgrades and new products, and access to support. 

Once you have registered you will receive your registration by e-mail. Click below for information about how to enter it. 

How to Enter Your Registration Code

We would be glad to answer any questions you might have. Please do not hesitate to contact us by e-mail ( or fax (+31-36-5400575). 

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